New Indiana Law Would Prevent Animal Abusers From Owning Pets

(Photo from Pixabay)

I can’t believe this isn’t already a thing. Gov. Eric Holcomb is slated to sign a bill that would prevent animal abusers to own pets.

The Indiana House and Senate each passed Senate Bill 474, which would prevent convicted animal abusers from owning, keepingĀ or training animals while they are on parole or probation.

“It’s common sense that, if a person is convicted of abusing an animal, then why in goodness sake should they be able to own an animal when they are on parole or probation? You know they will turn around and do the same thing,” creator of the bill Ron Atling told the Indy Star.

Apparently it’s illegal to ban them from owning pets for life. Otherwise, that would probably be on the table.