It’s almost time to get your grub on for less! Every winter and summer, Devour Indy takes place all around the Circle City with loads of participating restaurants that offer discounted 3-course menus! You can get reeeeal fancy and find some place with a juicy filet mignon or keep it laid back and try out some tacos or burgers. If meat’s not your thing, lots have vegetarian and vegan option. Just check the menus first and call individual restaurants if you have questions about their accommodations!
This year, over 130 restaurants (full list here) will partake in the winterfest dining experience from Monday, 1/20 to Sunday, 2/2. Pro tip: beware of road and restaurant traffic on that last day… ya know, Super Bowl Sunday!
These kind of savings can push a lot of people to crowd places, so if the restaurant you wanna visit takes reservations, make ’em!
Now for some mouthwatering social posts from #devourindy just to get your all hot and bothered about food: