If you were around when cassette tapes were the norm, this one’s gonna hurt. The vintage appeal of cassette tapes is now beating vinyl sales for some artists according to i News.
Despite the pandemic and the digital age of music, fans still want to buy physical copies of music. We’ve certainly seen a return of vinyls being sold, but now casettes are being offered by artists like 5 Seconds of Summer and Lady Gaga. And those listeners are taking them up on it. i News says 5SOS “Calm” leads the casette sales with “over a third of its chart-eligible sales were on cassette format.” Impressive. Lady Gaga’s “Chromatica” album is selling more cassettes than vinyls.
Perhaps you want in on this new retro trend, but a lot of cars don’t even have CD players anymore let alone cassette players… So now what? Check out some portable cassette players from The Tech Lounge.