Help! My Old Mario Kart Wii Disc!






I know, I know, I know.  Wii is old.  Mario Kart on Wii is old.  BUT!  That’s how I like to play it, damnit!  Everyone has that one game on that one system that they love to play that way.  Mario Kart Wii is that thing for me.  And now, over the weekend, my sweet sweet 12 year old disc is starting to malfunction and disrupt my epic coin runner battles.  It’s dying, and I don’t know how to handle these feelings I’m having.  I’m lashing out at the Wii-mote, even though I know it’s not it’s fault.  The Wii-mote can’t stop this natural part of gaming – the part where you’re old game finally dies on a system that is effectively dead to us – except in nursing homes where Wii-bowling is still considered exercise.  Fare-thee well game-disc as you shuffle off this mortal coil and over the rainbow bridge (subsequently the hardest track on Mario Kart Wii, if you know anything).  Ah yes, the rainbow bridge has brought my Mii many a death, and now it will usher you into yours.  Goodnight, sweet prince.  I can think not what I’ll do without ye – ‘cept probably replace you on ebay cuz I totally think my data is stored on the Wii.