Why Do You Want To Squeeze That Cute Baby?

There is a scientific reason your brain sees something adorable like a chubby baby or a fuzzy bunny your voice gets all crazy, your fingers start to twitch, and inevitably you say “I just want to SQUEEEZE YOU!”  WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT? We all know it’s not cool to squeeze a baby anything (except maybe a Baby Ruth? And even then that’s a waste of good chocolate) but our brains are overriding what we know and telling us “squeeze. that. baby”.  A study posted on Frontiersin.org explains there is a thing called “cute aggression” where our brains get overwhelmed by all the happy emotions being put out so it releases just a liiiiittle bit of aggression to “even itself out”.  Thus… you have the weird urge to just crush the kitten a little. Freaky, right?

