2020 Got You Down? These Everyday Things Might Help!

There’s no beating around the bush: 2020 blows. So every little thing that we can do to bring joy is worth a shot. I found a few different studies that talk about morning breakfast routines that might help you out so let’s combine them!

Let’s start with coffee: The Australian and New Zeeland Journal of Psychiatry posted a study connecting coffee drinking with fighting off depression. They found that each cup of coffee consumed helped reduce someone’s risk of depression by 8%.

Now onto the food: If you’re sad AND having trouble sleeping hit up that breakfast food, dude. Foods like oatmeal and eggs are great for those issues, according to the journal Nutrients. They’re high in tryptophan which help people who have low serotonin levels by aiding in moderating mood and sleep.

Finally grab a banana on your way out the door (assuming you leave the house anymore): Each one of those yellow buddies contains 10mg of dopamine in the good tasting part. A post in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry says there’s even more in the peel buuut… maybe don’t eat that.

Who knows if this will help but at this point… anything is worth a shot.

