1939 Husband & Wife Standards

This week’s internet treasures include an old test from 1939 that tells you if you’re a good husband or wife. It’s as spot on for 2020 as you’d expect.

Fun fact: these pigs are from my wedding

For the guys, being a good husband basically consists of being nice to her and her friends, remembering your anniversary, and reading the paper out loud to her (I can only assume this is because he’ll always know better than we do what world events we need to worry our pretty little heads about; that or our delicate eyes just can’t handle the tiny newsprint). I know what you’re thinking here, guys, and you’re right – these standards are ridiculously high. Good thing the ladies have it easier on the wife front. Oh wait.

For the ladies, being a good wife consists of basically everything: you play an instrument, always serve dinner on time, get dressed up for breakfast, always put the kids to bed, run any big purchases by your husband first, let him sleep in on the weekends, and are a good housekeeper.

It’s a good thing I was born when I was because I would make a terrible 1939 wife. Although, really, I don’t make that great of a 2020 wife.
