Nikki’s Not So Scary DIY


I have never been a handy lady. Usually if something breaks in my presence I call my dad to come from Michigan to help or I just live with it busted forever like the cracked mirror I have in my hallway. BUT in the interest of not only saving money but trying to push myself to be braver I decided to start at least trying to fix things. I’m selling my house which means I need to find and fix all of the places my dog Marbles had some sort of anxiety filled meltdown and ate house. In this case it was the weather stripping on my back door. It’s been shredded like that for years and I did a quick Google search to see if I could attempt it. I found this awesome video by House Improvements on Youtube. I did my fancy measuring, went to the hardware store, found the right piece (without having to ask for help by the way which made me feel like a total bad-A), came home, ripped the old one out, and popped the new one in place using a paint scraper. Check it out!



Now the door itself still needs a paint job from Panic McRuineverything’s paws but the stripping is handled! I’m all proud of myself now.

