Kelly Clarkson is living the dream and suing her (soon to be ex) father-in-law.

Kelly’s in the process of divorcing her husband, Brandon Blackstock, and his father, Narvel Blackstock, has a management group called Starstruck Management Group that she’s been working with since 2007 (it’s actually how she met Brandon).
Now Starstruck claims she owes $1.4 million in unpaid commissions, and they’re suing her for it. But she countersued saying Starstruck violated California labor law by, “procuring, offering, promising, or attempting to procure employment or engagements” for her without a talent agency license.
Granted this would be a lot more dramatic if it wasn’t her soon-to-be-ex-father-in-law, but with nothing in the theaters, this may be our only popcorn worthy event of the year.
— Jenn