Why Is Chicken Soup So Healing?

Check out this soup! I freaking MADE that. I’ve never made soup before but I am now no longer scared of it. I took a regular chicken noodle soup recipe and threw in some lemon, rosemary, and red pepper flakes. It was awesome and cleared out the sinuses lol.


But why is it that we should down the chicken noodle soup when we are sick? Well Web MD has the rundown. When you’re sick it’s important to stay hydrated so it does that, the warmth helps with sore throats, chicken is high in tryptophan which helps your body produce serotonin which enhances our mood which helps when we’re sad we are sick, the carrots and celery brings in the vitamins C & K plus antioxidants and minerals, and finally steam from the hot soup helps clear your sinuses.


So, if you’re feeling cruddy bring on the soup!

