Avoiding Large Grocery Crowds


Since adding 3 small children periodically into my grocery list I have had to get crafty. When I was single shopping for myself consisted of rarely anything more than a basket and about 10 minutes. I could make several trips a week because it was so quick it never felt like a big deal to go a lot. THEN I met Nick, insert his 3 children that needed a loooot more than what I was used to buying, a giant cart, and one big trip because who has the energy to do that more than once a week? I remember the heart attack feeling the first time I saw him drop over $300 in one trip. THEEEN I learned. BOY did I learn.  Now the one pushing the giant grocery cart is me-Nick was soon banned from doing the shopping because like an excited kid he keeps trying to deviate from the list and I can’t have that.  ANYWAY- the point of all of this is to tell you about a thing that I found (and forgive me if all of you who have been knocking this family shopping thing out for a long time already know this). If you Google the store you’re going to, click on it like you need directions, but then scroll down it will tell you the busiest hours of the day. Then you can totally avoid the giant crowds and have the small panic attacks over how much food 3 little bodies can consume in a span of three days with way less of an audience.  🙂

