Quick Calming Techniques Because We All Need It Right Now


Feeling a little stressed out? There are many things you can do to quickly get a grip and get back in the game. Healthline.com has a giant list but here are just a few:


-Visualize yourself being calm. Creating that mental picture helps you have something to work for.

-Music. That’s been scientifically proven to relieve stress and calm you down. Plus it makes you happy.

-Write it down. Writing down exactly what’s wrong and why it’s bothering you helps you get the energy out and put it somewhere.

-Go outside.  The fresh air can do wonders and even though it’s cold it can still make a big difference. Just throw on a scarf and a hat and get outside for a brisk walk.

-Drop your shoulders. I bet if you look you’ll probably notice they’re half way up to your ears. Pull them down, it can help calm you down by focusing on setting them back where they are supposed to go.


Click this link for more ideas!—> HERE


Happy Holidays!
