Being Bored Is Good For You!

We’ve been bored a LOT this year! It may not be fun but it might be good for you! It can improve your mental health by helping your brain relax. When we’re over stimulated all the time it can’t chill out so it can make us stressed out. It increase your creativity! When you’re bored your brain gets to work inventing things. If you’re always being entertained your brain doesn’t have the ability to entertain itself. It also gives us a sense of adventure. When nothing is going on we’re more likely to create something exciting to get out of boredom. Being bored motivates you to set new goals. If you’ve got nothing going on you’re more likely to decide to chase something new to fill that empty space. It gives you the skills to learn self control and you learn to self regulate. When you’re not used to having nothing going on when it DOES happen you tend to act like a jerk- especially if you’re a kid. You can’t handle it. Enough normal boredom teaches you to deal with those moments where life isn’t the most exciting ever and cope with it. Find out more about how awesome boredom can be at

