Am I really wasting time of TikTok if it means I find awesome things to show you? Like this time it’s this guy who found 4 different songs that blend in really well with Olivia Rodrigo’s new song, “good 4 u.”
I’m pretty sure he’s not even done doing it, but there are the ones he’s created so far:
Linkin Park’s “Bleed It Out” gives the song a harder vibe.
@thesuperlatenight##mashup ##linkinpark ##bleeditout ##good4u ##oliviarodrigo ##paramore ##viral♬ BLEED IT OUT X GOOD 4 U – Super
Imagine Dragons’ “Radioactive?” Is this real life?
@thesuperlatenight##mashup ##good4u ##oliviarodrigo ##imaginedragons ##radioactive ##paramore ##viral♬ RADIOACTIVE X GOOD 4 U – Super
What about something from the 1985? Yep. “good 4 u” even soungs good on top of “Take On Me.”
@thesuperlatenightReply to @beetlebackdesigns ##mashup ##good4u ##oliviarodrigo ##paramore ##takeonme ##remix ##viral♬ GOOD 4 U X TAKE ON ME – Super
LANGUAGE WARNING! Last one for now is blackbear’s “hot girl bummer” complete with f-bombs. I’m not sure this one blends as well, but the guy is really excited about it, so why not?
@thesuperlatenight##mashup ##good4u ##oliviarodrigo ##paramore ##hotgirlbummer ##blackbear ##remix