You can now take a college course about TAYLOR SWIFT. It’s called “Why Get Over Your Ex When You Can Spend the Rest of Your Life Getting Even?” Kidding. I don’t actually know what it’s called.

But it’s being offered at New York University’s Clive Davis Institute, and there’s a long waitlist for it.
The course description says, “This course proposes to deconstruct both the appeal and aversions to Taylor Swift through close readings of her music and public discourse as it relates to her own growth as an artist and a celebrity.
“Through readings, lectures and more, the class delves into analyses of the culture and politics of teen girlhood in pop music, fandom, media studies, whiteness and power as it relates to her image and the images of those who have both preceded and succeeded her.”
The first class launched January 26th and runs through March 9th. Taylor has been invited to speak, but there’s no word if that’s happening.