Has it really been eight years since Michael Che took on Weekend Update duties on Saturday Night Live? It doesn’t feel like that long to me, but I’ve enjoyed just about every bit of it. I guess I better soak it up while I can because Che has said that this is his last year doing Weekend Update.
According to Huff Post, Che was doing a comedy set in a hair salon (that’s weird, right?) in Minneapolis when he said,
“This is my last year,” Che said, according to the Star Tribune. “You know my tie is a clip-on, right? What man wears a clip-on tie to work for eight years — that’s embarrassing.”
I’m not taking this to heart just yet though because a little after the Huff Post article was written, Che posted this to Instagram saying “im not leaving snl” and that reporters are “spoiling the trick:”
So what’s the trick then?
I’m telling myself he said this at a comedy show, so it must have a been a whole joke, right? Not true at all… *fingers crossed*
I’m stressed and I don’t like change — especially when it comes to my favorite segment on the only tv show I’m still willing to watch live.