Taylor Swift Answers The Red Scarf Question

The hottest topic of 2021 was arguably whether or not the red scarf in All Too Well was a reference to Jake Gyllenhaal. And now here we are, almost a year later, still with no clear answers.

taylor swift
(Photo by Nicky Loh/TAS/Getty Images for TAS)

Taylor was asked about it during a press conference at the Toronto International Film Festival on Friday, and said, “The scarf is a metaphor, and we turned it red because red is a very important color in this album, which is called Red.”

She added, “I think when I say it’s a metaphor, I’m just going to stop, and I’m going to say, thanks for the incredible question, whoever asked it.  You’ve really taken us for a ride.”

You can take from that what you will, but I’m choosing to take it as a yes: if it wasn’t a Jake Gyllenhaal reference, she wouldn’t need to avoid actually answering the question.

— Jenn