If you caught the big game last Sunday, you may have saw Justin Bieber was there. As Usher took the stage to perform for this year’s halftime show, many were hoping the rumors were true that the Biebs would join him on stage.
Ultimately, Bieber declined, leaving many fans disappointed. It’s understandable, however, given that aside from the NHL All-Star Game earlier this month, he hasn’t performed recently due to Ramsay Hunt disorder, which can cause significant facial paralysis.
“I think that it might’ve been the fact that he’s just wanting to tell a different story right now, and I understand that,” Usher explained.
Although it would’ve been a perfect opportunity for the two artists, who had previously collaborated together on songs together, to reunite, it hasn’t closed the door for Bieber and the 45-year old ‘Yeah!’ singer to work together again.
“We’re gonna do something else in the future,” Usher also said. “No love lost or anything like that.”