Get Your Hands Off Billie Eilish

Billie Eilish
(Photo by Rich Fury/Getty Images)

Billie Eilish would really appreciate it if everyone would keep their hands to themselves. The singer used to Instagram stories to address an incident that happened during one of her meet and greets.

Billie posted “pls dont grab my boobs in the meet and greet” followed by the smiley emoji with jazz hands. She followed it up by saying, “i try very hard to make everyone happy at the m&g but sometimes you make it very difficult for me to feel comfortable enough to do that.”

She goes so far as to assume the best in the person by adding, “i think what happened last nighy [sic] was just an accident so i acted like i didnt notice cuz i didnt wanna make her feel bad if she didnt mean to do it.. BUT IF THAT SHIT WAS FR IM GONNNNEEEEEEE.”

Perhaps this is a good time to remind everyone it’s not okay to invadeĀ anybody’s personal space.

See article from Don’t Bore Us.
