In today’s disheartening yet laughable news… One Massachusetts legislator is spending time on a bill that would ban one of my go-to cuss words… bitch. If passed this law would punish anyone who uses the word in a way meant “to accost, annoy, degrade or demean” someone else. What would happen to them if convicted? They could be fined up to $200 or jailed for up to 6 months.
Seems like an awfully big swear jar and a time-out to me.
According to Reason, the person called a bitch or someone that witnessed the crime could report it to the authorities.
If you didn’t sense my tone that this bill is silly, welcome back.
Here are the issues with this proposed bill:
- It violates free speech protections.
- Considering this bill takes time away from other legislation.
- If passed, it could lead to arbitrary or malicious enforcement.
- It’s based on hearsay.
- It’s gonna make people (like me) wanna say it more. LOL.
Love you, bitches!