Why Being Afraid Feels Awesome!

When Halloween comes around we stream the scariest movies and then pile into cars to drive out to some backwoods cornfield to have the Spagetti-O’s scared out of us in a haunted house. But WHY? Why does being afraid feel so good? Shouldn’t fear make us feel awful? BestLifeOnline.com says it turns out REAL fear does make us upset. However, being “afraid” when we know we aren’t actually in any real danger sends the same chemicals to our brain from the flight or fight response. In times when our lives feel at risk dopamine, adrenaline, and endorphins flood into our brain and give us the response we need to save ourselves. But if we are screaming because a big dude with a fake chainsaw is chasing us to the next part of the haunted house deep down we know we’re safe but we still get those fun chemicals anyway.  So you get all of that natural high that comes with fear but none of the risk of being chopped to bits by the chainsaw which means it feels awesome!

