Your Favorite Band In High School Still Rules! …According To Your Brain

Everyone knows that when you were in high school the music you listened to was REAL music. Kids these days have no idea what it was like to grow up during the epicenter of true talent. No one has ever made anything as good as the songs you listened to your Senior year. How did I know your high school playlist was the best? Because EVERYONE’S high school playlist was the best.

It turns out that whatever music you were listening to while on your way to Chemistry class is what your brain tells you is the best music there ever was according to BestLifeOnline.  When we hear music we like our brain gives us a shot of dopamine and between the ages of 12-22 those doses hit way harder.  It makes it all feel so much more special and important so we bond to it tighter.  Then, as we grow older those doses aren’t as strong in our experiences with new music so we believe that the old stuff was the best!



