Tinder’s Endless Choices Might Be Why You’re Single

Being able to swipe left 400xs a day on a dating app might feel like you have the best shot at finding love because of the endless possibilities! But… the truth is too much choice might be a problem. And not just in dating but in all of your life. It’s called The Paradox of Choice. According to BestLifeOnline.com there’s evidence to suggest that our brains actually prefer fewer options.  It’s why sometimes the 24 page menu at Cheesecake Factory can feel super overwhelming and often you struggle to find something you want whereas the local diner down the street that serves only burgers, grilled cheese, and hot dogs seems to be a less frustrating.

I know dating is hard enough let alone to know that your pile of singles available to you might be making it tougher but maybe tell yourself you can only pick from the next 10 options…who knows? It might help!

