The Newest Quarantine Trend

I saw a book the other day called How to Not Hate Your Husband After Kids, and evidently we need a pandemic version of this book because divorce rates have skyrocketed since quarantine started.

couple eating
(c) Martinmark |

New data from a legal services company found:

1.  The number of people looking for divorces was 34% higher from March through June this year than it was during that period last year.

2.  Divorces jumped 57% from February 13th to April 13th of this year.

3.  The newer the marriage is, the more it’s in trouble.  Out of the couples filing for divorce during the pandemic, 20% were newlyweds who got married earlier in 2020.  9% got married in 2019, 9% in 2018, 7% in 2017, and 7% in 2016.

4.  People in the South were two to three times more likely to look into divorce than people anywhere else in the country.

It’s almost like married people weren’t designed to spend every second of every day together inside a house. Weird.

— Jenn