National Whipped Cream Day-Here’s A Fun Recipe


Ok- so I know the argument that Cool Whip is not Whipped Cream because it’s oil or whatever. FINE. You’ve made your point. BUT to me it’s still whipped cream so here’s the new dessert recipe I’ve been living off of for months now. I have to give credit to my fiancé, Nick’s Aunt Michelle who I stole this from after a family dinner.

Take tub(s) of Cool Whip that are a little thawed so it’s easy to mix, get Jell-O Pudding powder in a flavor of your choice and mix about half of the powder per one tub of Cool Whip. I’ve done one flavor or mixed a few (one tub chocolate, one tub banana, or cheesecake flavor for one, stuff like that), then you take graham crackers and make those the in-between layers in a Tupperware. Then put it back in the freezer and let it meld together. After about an hour eat and enjoy!

It’s like ice cream and dirt cake had a baby if that makes sense? It’s awesome. Plus if you use Lite Cool Whip and sugar free Jell-O it’s even less guilt!  The one in the picture is chocolate and I drizzled chocolate syrup on top so it tasted a lot like an ice cream sundae! Try it out, I think you’ll love it!

