Sophie Turner Freaked When the Paparazzi Took Pictures of Her Baby

The paparazzi snapped some photos of SOPHIE TURNER and JOE JONAS’ daughter Willa, who’s not even a year old, and Sophie was not having it.

She posted a series of videos saying, “She is my daughter. She did not ask for this life, to be photographed. It’s [effing] creepy that grown old men [are] taking pictures of a baby without their permission. I’m sickened, I’m disgusted and I’m respectfully asking everyone to stop following us around and stop trying to take pictures of our daughter and especially printing them. It’s disgusting and you do not have my permission.”

I had a much more low key version of this happen with a bus load of tourists in Washington, D.C. when Boogser was 6 months old, and I can confirm it’s hella creepy.
