Someone made a list of movies that are good, but are a bit of a tough watch and only need to be seen once. Here are some highlights:
1. “A Clockwork Orange”, 1971 – It initially received an X-rating in the U.S. and the aversion-therapy scenes are difficult to watch.
2. “Pink Flamingos”, 1972 – This one needs no explanation: Divine eats a pig’s face and dog feces.
3. “Deliverance”, 1972 – The rape scene is something you’ll want to forget
4. “Schindler’s List”, 1993 – Steven Spielberg’s Holocaust film is deeply moving and won seven Oscars.
5. “American History X”, 1998 – The curb stomping scene that is a tough watch.
6. “Hotel Rwanda”, 2004 – The horrors of genocide are depicted.
7. “127 Hours”, 2010 – James Franco cutting his arm off is, yikes.
8. “The Revenant”, 2015 – BEAR ATTACK.
9. “12 Years a Slave”, 2013 – Lupita Nyong’o’s character receives life threatening lashes and is repeatedly raped.
10. “City of God”, 2002 – This Brazilian film depicts kids killing kids in street gang warfare.