Netflix? Hulu? HBO Max? Which Streaming Service Is The Best?

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(Photo by Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images)

Someone polled 4,000 Americans, and the most essential streaming service is Netflix.  It got almost twice as many votes as any other streaming platform. 

1.  Netflix.  41% said it’s the last one they’d cancel.

2.  Hulu, 21%.

3.  HBO Max, 13%.  But it had the highest satisfaction rating.  51% of people with HBO Max said they’re “very satisfied” with it.  46% said the same about Netflix.

4.  Disney-Plus, 9%.

5.  Prime Video, 6%.

6.  Paramount-Plus, 2%.

7.  Discovery-Plus, 1%.

8.  Peacock, 1%.

9.  Apple TV, 1%.

10.  6% said “other” or “none of the above.” 
