How will the past effect the possibility of shared track in the future?… MORE

How will the past effect the possibility of shared track in the future?… MORE
A big piece of this was all the hand gestures. Don’t sleep on this impression.… MORE
Does she owe her fans what they’re asking for? No, but they’re still mad, so…… MORE
Did you really expect anything other than OVER THE TOP from Katy Perry on Saturday Night Live?… MORE
Cat people should be excited for Willow! We haven’t had a cat in the White House since George W. Bush!… MORE
Soon you’ll start seeing hot pink boxes of cake mix on your grocery store shelves with an adorably animated Dolly Parton on them!… MORE
For all those times you’re thought to yourself, “I wish this soup were alcoholic.”… MORE
You can FEEL the pain she’s experiencing just making this announcement to her fans.… MORE
Charlie Puth paints a picture of getting fit and hot to impress the one you’re into or want back.… MORE
Cardi B has such a big heart and wants to see these victims move on as easily as they can from such a tragic situation.… MORE