Category Archives: Jenn’s Blog

Drake Unfollowed Rihanna and A$AP Rocky

Drake Unfollowed Rihanna and A$AP Rocky

DRAKE apparently unfollowed RIHANNA and A$AP ROCKY on Instagram after they announced they were expecting a baby.  Drake has been linked to Rihanna more than once, most recently in 2016. Rap TV shared the news and RICK ROSS immediately took it as an opportunity to plug Wingstop by commenting, , “@wingstop”.  If you didn’t know, Rick owns over two dozen Wingstop locations. Some boneless wings will be…MORE

NYU Has A Course on Taylor Swift

NYU Has A Course on Taylor Swift

You can now take a college course about TAYLOR SWIFT.  It’s called “Why Get Over Your Ex When You Can Spend the Rest of Your Life Getting Even?”  Kidding.  I don’t actually know what it’s called. But it’s being offered at New York University’s Clive Davis Institute, and there’s a long waitlist for it. The course…MORE

Rihanna Is Officially Preggers!

Rihanna Is Officially Preggers!

RIHANNA is officially pregnant . . . it’s not just a rumor this time.  She and her boyfriend A$AP ROCKY are expecting their first child together. She debuted her baby bump with A$AP during a snowy walk in Harlem over the weekend.  She wore a long bright pink jacket with low-rise jeans . . . her baby bump…MORE

Britney Spears Said Jamie Lynn Is Scum

Britney Spears Said Jamie Lynn Is Scum

Get your popcorn because we’re not done with the BRITNEY SPEARS – JAMIE LYNN SPEARS saga.  In a now deleted Instagram post, Britney posted clips of the hosts of “The Talk” and “The Real” saying Jamie should speak to Britney privately, and not air their dirty laundry in a book. In the caption, she said, “What these women are saying here is pretty…MORE

Kanye Wants Homeless People to Model His Clothes

Kanye Wants Homeless People to Model His Clothes

A lot of the flak KANYE WEST gets is well deserved, but at the same time, he does try to make the world a better place. He just started a collaboration with Skid Row Fashion Week.  They’re a brand that donates a portion of their sales to help people living on Skid Row.  They also employ homeless…MORE

Kim Kardashian Got Called Out for a Photoshop Fail

Kim Kardashian Got Called Out for a Photoshop Fail

At some point the Kardashians need to realize that we know they’re not perfect.  But until then, we should continue calling them out when they try to trick us into believing otherwise. KIM KARDASHIAN recently posted some pictures of herself on the beach, modeling her Skims.  And in one of the pics, her leg was weirdly…MORE

McDonald’s Is Selling a Chicken Big Mac

McDonald’s Is Selling a Chicken Big Mac

Staring next Wednesday, McDonald’s will start selling a Chicken Big Mac with chicken instead of burgers . . . but only in the U.K. It’s just like a regular Big Mac but with two fried chicken patties.  And they’re just testing it so it’ll only be on the U.K. menu until March 15th.  A few…MORE

Taylor Swift Doesn’t Write Her Own Songs?

Taylor Swift Doesn’t Write Her Own Songs?

DAMON ALBARN from BLUR and GORILLAZ is from the U.K. so maybe he just didn’t understand the way we do things here.  He definitely didn’t realize that you do not mess with TAYLOR SWIFT because he tried to . . . and he learned his lesson.  In an interview published Sunday, he went off on Taylor for supposedly not writing her…MORE

Pete Davidson and Colin Jost Bought a Ferry Boat to Turn it Into a Club

Pete Davidson and Colin Jost Bought a Ferry Boat to Turn it Into a Club

PETE DAVIDSON, COLIN JOST, and comedy club owner Paul Italia bought a Staten Island ferry boat named John F. Kennedy for $280,000.  It was built in 1965 and was the oldest in the fleet before being retired last year. Paul said, “The idea is to turn the space into a live entertainment event space, with comedy, music, art . .…MORE

Amazon Is Opening Its Own Department Store . . . Inside a Real Life Mall?

Amazon Is Opening Its Own Department Store . . . Inside a Real Life Mall?

You know the saying “If you can’t beat them, join them?”  Amazon’s taking it up a notch and saying “Even if you can beat them, join them.” Amazon is opening their first department store, Amazon Style, sometime later this year. . .inside a real life mall. There aren’t many malls left (thanks to, you know,…MORE