Category Archives: Jenn’s Blog

Half of Netflix Subscribers Watched an Original Holiday Movie Last Year

Half of Netflix Subscribers Watched an Original Holiday Movie Last Year

I assume this means my child wasn’t the only child with The Christmas Chronicles on repeat. Netflix says about half of their subscribers watched one of their original holiday movies last year. At the time they had 167 million subscribers so that would mean about 84 million of us were watching that nonsense. Keep in…MORE

Kelly Clarkson Is In a Legal Battle with Her Father-in-Law

Kelly Clarkson Is In a Legal Battle with Her Father-in-Law

Kelly Clarkson is living the dream and suing her (soon to be ex) father-in-law. Kelly’s in the process of divorcing her husband, Brandon Blackstock, and his father, Narvel Blackstock, has a management group called Starstruck Management Group that she’s been working with since 2007 (it’s actually how she met Brandon). Now Starstruck claims she owes…MORE

Starbucks Holiday Cups Are Out

Starbucks Holiday Cups Are Out

It’s supposed to be 76* on Sunday, and you can celebrate that bonus summer day with a Starbucks holiday cup in hand, like the Floridian you never wanted to be. Starbucks is releasing their holiday cups today, and if you’re fast and order one of the holiday drinks today, you’ll get a free reusable cup.…MORE

The Goop Gift Guide Includes a Lamp Made Out of Bread

The Goop Gift Guide Includes a Lamp Made Out of Bread

The 2020 Goop Holiday Gift Guide is once again everything you expect and nothing you want. All that bread baking you did this year? You can memorialize it for only $210 with a lamp made from an actual loaf bread. I know what you’re thinking – won’t it mold? And the answer is no because…MORE

“Frozen 2” beat “Froze” on the Soundtracks Chart

“Frozen 2” beat “Froze” on the Soundtracks Chart

As I’m sure you can tell by the state of these dolls, Frozen is a hella hit at my house. Frozen 2 is obviously the better movie, and without a doubt it’s the better soundtrack. Before today that was just my opinion that I was willing to fight you on, but now it’s stone cold…MORE

Beyoncé: Actual Beekeeper

Beyoncé: Actual Beekeeper

Add this to the list of reasons Beyoncé’s backyard is nothing like your backyard: 80,000 bees. She has two actual beehives and says, “We make hundreds of jars of honey a year. I started the beehives because my daughters, Blue and Rumi, both have terrible allergies, and honey has countless healing properties.” I’m going to…MORE

The McRib is Coming Back Nationwide

The McRib is Coming Back Nationwide

It’s been a tough year, and I’m not sure this helps. For the first time in 8 years, McDonald’s is bringing the McRib back not just to select stores, but to all stores. That means if you like your meat like I like my men (sculpted and slightly questionable), you can hit any of their…MORE

Who’s Niall Horan Working With?

Who’s Niall Horan Working With?

All signs point to Anne-Marie. Anne-Marie hit the Twitter with a photo of Niall Horan in a recording studio playing guitar. The caption was just the heart eyes emoji and a @NiallHoran tag which means we really know nothing about this apparent collab right now other than we’ll take it. — JennMORE

Demi Lovato & Miley Cyrus Are Seeing Aliens

Demi Lovato & Miley Cyrus Are Seeing Aliens

In today’s edition of Sounds on Track for 2020, both Demi Lovato and Miley Cyrus say they’ve made contact with aliens. Demi posted on Instagram that she spent a few days in Joshua Tree with some experts on extraterrestrials and she totally saw stuff. She even included video and pictorial “proof” of alien life. She said, “Over…MORE

Who’s the Worst “Hollywood Chris”?

Who’s the Worst “Hollywood Chris”?

We still can’t decide on the best Hollywood Chris, but at least now we know the worst one. A Tweet went viral asking for the worst “Hollywood Chris” with the choices being Chris Hemsworth, Chris Evans, Chris Pratt, and Chris Pine, and by a landslide, the loser (winner?) was Chris Pratt. The original Tweet has over 7,000 comments and…MORE