Category Archives: Jenn’s Blog

This is a much better strategy than me yelling at you every day to get registered to vote. Kylie Jenner posted a couple of bikini pics where she told everyone to go get registered to vote, and it worked. Traffic at was up 1500% and 48,000 people registered to vote. Here’s my deal: if…MORE

Free Pizza? Free Pizza.

Free Pizza? Free Pizza.

Remember back in March and April when you couldn’t find a frozen pizza at the grocery store? If you didn’t hit actual rock bottom then and eat the pizza that’s been in your freezer since the 80s, it’s about to pay off. Papa Murphy’s is holding a contest to find the oldest frozen pizza in…MORE

5 Ways You’re Eating Italian Food Wrong

5 Ways You’re Eating Italian Food Wrong

Italian food comes with rules, and we’re breaking all of them. A poll looked at the ways we’re embarrassing ourselves, and here’s what we’ve got. 1.  Eating garlic bread with pasta or as an appetizer. Just because Olive Garden loads you up with the breadsticks doesn’t mean it’s authentic. It is delicious, though. 2.  Ordering…MORE

It’s National Coffee Day and Some of It’s FREE

It’s National Coffee Day and Some of It’s FREE

Would this information have been more helpful this morning? Probably. But better late than never. It’s National Coffee Day which means there’s all sorts of free coffee in the world today including places like Krispy Kreme, Dunkin’, and Starbucks. The full list and details are all here. I trust none of us are sleeping tonight.…MORE

Check Out the Crazy-Long Official Title of “Borat 2”

Check Out the Crazy-Long Official Title of “Borat 2”

I, for one, thought we were doing just fine with Borat in our past, but now it’s also in our future. The whole movie is apparently in the can and while we have no release date yet, we do have the official title. You may want to bathroom first because it’s long and trying to…MORE

Justin Bieber & Chance the Rapper Are Giving Away $250,000

Justin Bieber & Chance the Rapper Are Giving Away $250,000

We all know trash talking Justin Bieber is my main hobby (I mean seriously, dude – a giant neck tat???), but I’m also man enough to give him credit when he deserves it. And right now, he deserves it. (Yes, that caused me physical pain to say.) Justin Bieber and Chance the Rapper have one more…MORE

Your Phone or Your Booze? Pick One.

Your Phone or Your Booze? Pick One.

I’m more than slightly concerned about the level of love we have for our phones. A survey asked people if they’d rather give up various things for a month or give up their phone for a month, and short answer: we’re keeping our phone. 1.  Alcohol.  72% of us would rather give it up than…MORE

1939 Husband & Wife Standards

1939 Husband & Wife Standards

This week’s internet treasures include an old test from 1939 that tells you if you’re a good husband or wife. It’s as spot on for 2020 as you’d expect. For the guys, being a good husband basically consists of being nice to her and her friends, remembering your anniversary, and reading the paper out loud…MORE

Top Halloween Costumes This Year

Top Halloween Costumes This Year

Since it’s supposed to be an incredibly normal Halloween this year, let’s talk costumes. About half of people have plans to hide from the ‘rona in a costume this year (that won’t actually work btw; please still wear a maks) which is about the same amount of people who dressed up last year. As far…MORE

We’re Happier with Our Friends Than Our Family

We’re Happier with Our Friends Than Our Family

Show me someone who hasn’t thought this at least 47 times in their life, and I’ll show you a liar. A new study out of Southern Methodist University in Texas found people are happier when they’re spending time with their friends than when they’re spending time with their families. And yes, that includes their partner…MORE