Snoop says your are what you drink and he wants to age like a fine wine.… MORE
Snoop says your are what you drink and he wants to age like a fine wine.… MORE
It’s the lyrics for me.… MORE
Someone unearthed an article from a 1958 issue of McCall’s magazine titled “129 Ways to Get a Husband”, and it. is. fantastic. Some of the highlights include: 1. “Get a job demonstrating fishing tackle in a sporting goods store.” 2. “Get lost at a football game.” 3. “Don’t take a job at a company run…… MORE
Did Bud Light really just create the best job ever in their company??? … MORE
It’s exactly what you need to hear if you’ve been feeling down!… MORE
Man, I love this toxic garbage. Seriously, I know it can be bad for you in the quantities in which I consume it, but I think I’m being held together both physically and emotionally by this aspartame rocket fuel at this point. Here’s how bad it is: I saw an…… MORE
I know, I know, I know. Wii is old. Mario Kart on Wii is old. BUT! That’s how I like to play it, damnit! Everyone has that one game on that one system that they love to play that way. Mario Kart Wii is that thing for me. And now,…… MORE
We’ve started a brand new podcast!!… MORE
You never know what your kids are going to end up loving! Sports, Arts, Academic Bowls, Cooking, Video Games, but I never saw this coming exactly. My son, Lincoln, loves RC Racing Cars. I’m an arts and soccer guy myself, so becoming an RC car dad is way out of…… MORE
We are still doing the morning show from home every morning. My little studio is in our basement guest bedroom. Every few days this frog comes to the window and says hello to me and does a scandalous naked dance outside my window. He’s quite good. I hadn’t seen him in about a week so…… MORE