Category Archives: Blogs

Experts Ranked Activities Based on Their Coronavirus Risk

Experts Ranked Activities Based on Their Coronavirus Risk

How risky was your 4th of July? I mean other than getting hit by your neighbor’s fireworks shrapnel (turns out our new neighbors go hard)? Infectious disease experts ranked a bunch of activities based on how likely you are to get the ‘rona while doing said activities. They looked at four key factors: Is it in…MORE

Kids Have A Clear Winner For Who’s A Better Driver: Mom Or Dad?

Kids Have A Clear Winner For Who’s A Better Driver: Mom Or Dad?

A new survey asked kids between six and 16 years old whose parents both drive:  Who’s a better driver, your mom or your dad? And the winner is . . . DAD.  43% of kids said he’s better . . . 29% said their mom is better . . . and the rest said their…MORE