Category Archives: Blogs

It’s National Cat Day!

It’s National Cat Day!

It’s National Cat Day, so I have gifted you with a photo of my stepdaughter at Prom with her cat. 🙂 A new survey found the average cat owner spends over 1,000 hours a year on their cats . . . including time they spend feeding, petting, cuddling, and cleaning up after them. The average…MORE

Massachusetts Is Considering Banning This Cuss Word

Massachusetts Is Considering Banning This Cuss Word

In today’s disheartening yet laughable news… One Massachusetts legislator is spending time on a bill that would ban one of my go-to cuss words… bitch. If passed this law would punish anyone who uses the word in a way meant “to accost, annoy, degrade or demean” someone else. What would happen to them if convicted? They…MORE

If There Were No Calories, What Would You Eat?

If There Were No Calories, What Would You Eat?

I’m honestly surprised pizza didn’t make the cut for breakfast, too. A survey asked people if they could “eat like a kid” (read: calories aren’t a thing) for a full day, what would they eat. Personally I’d start with at least 6 Boston cream donuts and follow it up with Portillo’s for lunch and an…MORE