Category Archives: SMS Blog

Most People Judge Couples Who Post Too Much

Most People Judge Couples Who Post Too Much

I know it’s the season of love or whatever, but just know before you post your 37th couple selfie of the month that you ARE being judged. According to a new survey, 51% of Americans say they judge couples who post about each other too much on social media. People are a bit more forgiving…MORE

Tik Tok Toni This Week

Tik Tok Toni This Week

  Lifestyle change can be hard, this guy gives us his update. Do you know any funny southern sayings? This guy has some of the best. Sometimes you drink while watching Bridgerton and this happens… This is a fun game with Jason Derulo songs. We talk about how much we love…MORE

Will’s Distraction Podcast:  Staplers!

Will’s Distraction Podcast: Staplers!

Listen to episode 23!  This history of staplers with a bunch of dumb interruptions!

Dogs are Like Family Because of THIS

Dogs are Like Family Because of THIS

The Reason Dogs Are Now Treated Like Part of the Family? Do you feel like your dog is part of your family?  Of course you do.  Most people do. And a new study out of Washington State University figured out WHY . . . it’s all thanks to women. The researchers found that women formed…MORE

Tik Tok Toni

Tik Tok Toni

Grocery Store Sushi This lady has the most adorable southern accent and she has feelings about grocery store sushi and fake hair. A Message for Teens This woman has a very serious message for teens. Stop Breeding This guy has a warning for anyone out there of child bearing age. Poop on…MORE

Oklahoma Has a Bill to Create an Official Bigfoot Hunting Season

Oklahoma Has a Bill to Create an Official Bigfoot Hunting Season

Well this seems like a great way for a bunch of hairy dudes to get shot. A member of the Oklahoma state House of Representatives named Justin Humphrey just introduced a bill to create an official Bigfoot hunting season. And it’s not a joke.  He wants the Oklahoma Wildlife Conservation Commission to, quote, “set annual season dates…MORE

Want to Be a Full-Time Candy Taster?

Want to Be a Full-Time Candy Taster?

There’s a Company Hiring Full-Time Candy Tasters at $24-an-Hour There are a LOT of jobs worse than this . . . and they don’t pay $47,500-a-year. A company called Candy Funhouse is looking to hire candy and chocolate taste testers.  And this isn’t one of those gimmicks where a company “hires” someone for $500 to eat chocolate…MORE

Everyone Needs One of These…

Everyone Needs One of These…

            Everyone needs a small hand-held, wireless, battery-powered, vacuum.  If you have kids (or a spouse) who leave a trail of tiny crumbs everywhere they go, this thing will change you’re world – for like $30.  I’m the crumb-crusher, baby!  I even used this to suck out the inside of…MORE

Tik Tok Toni

Tik Tok Toni

Hard facts: These guys are giving their hard facts! This mom has a realization after buying her kids a specific Christmas present. Drinking in your 30s – do we have to stop drinking like we did in our 20s? This woman wrote a song about the Covid vaccine. This guys experience…MORE

Will’s Distraction – Episode 21!  Can Openers!  Listen Now!

Will’s Distraction – Episode 21! Can Openers! Listen Now! In episode 21, Will tries to teach you about the history and origins of the can opener, but not without being sidetracked by a bunch of uninvited idiots. Performers: Mookie Harris, Kelsey VanVoorst, and Sarah Shipley. Accompanied by Paige Scott.MORE