Category Archives: SMS Blog

What The Duck?

What The Duck?

          My wife, Adrienne, and I ordered some new N95 masks from Amazon.  Well, we thought they were N95s.  They’re Asian N95s called KN95s.  We got the bag of them, and there is no brand or company name on them, and all they say across the front is “Not For Medical…MORE

Aquanet! Sorta.

Aquanet! Sorta.

          I grew up with 3 older sisters who were all teenagers in the 80s.  Our house basically smelled like Madonna “Like A Virgin” Perfume and Aquanet Hair Spray ALL OF THE TIME.  I made a joke about still using Aquanet in a previous blog that you probably didn’t read, but…MORE

Puff, Puff, Give…

Puff, Puff, Give…

          Puffs are the angry baby neutralizer!  My daughter, Maren, just started eating real food not too long.  She’s 10 months old, walks, babbles, screams, eats, and poops!  But, like all of us, the screaming can be neutralized by EATING.  And there’s nothing better than these baby puffs!  We just stick…MORE

Could The Pandemic End Snow Days Forever?

Could The Pandemic End Snow Days Forever?

As a Hoosier kid, there’s nothing more incredible than getting a random snow day off of school. It’s like winning the lottery.   But snow days might be a thing of the past.   An expert from the “Today” show thinks that the pandemic might mean the end of snow days FOREVER.   Why? This…MORE

1 Towel, How Many Days?

1 Towel, How Many Days?

            Yo!  How many days do you go using the same towel?  I pretty much use mine until it turns into a stiff canvas.  You could hang my used towels on the wall like a mural.  You can see the art my body’s been making for the last several months. …MORE

Do You Use A Stick In Your Back Door?

Do You Use A Stick In Your Back Door?

          Are you one of those people who like the stick in your back door?  I am.  It feels better to me when it’s there.  I get it though, there are some people who think it’ll hurt their glass or do some other kind of damage. The back-door stick must be…MORE

Testing 3rd Party Space Helmets For NASA

Testing 3rd Party Space Helmets For NASA

          Welp!  This one’ll never work.  My head barely fit in it, and the air hose is a sticker. This reviewer DOES NOT recommend going to space in this one…unless you stay inside the whole time.  If you’re going to go to space soon, get a different one, and use this…MORE

Which Liquor Makes You The MOST Hungover?!?!

Which Liquor Makes You The MOST Hungover?!?!

It doesn’t matter what kind of booze you drink.  Knock back enough, and you’ll do things you regret.  But are different types of drunken behavior associated with different types of alcohol? Someone polled 2,000 drinkers, and asked what type of alcohol they were drinking when they did stupid stuff. Here’s what they found . .…MORE