Category Archives: SMS Blog

Elastic Waisted Jeans…

Elastic Waisted Jeans…

…would be badass.  A nice wide soft waistband too.  Still jeans though – that look and act like jeans – just with a soft stretchier waist.  Why hasn’t this happened?  MORE

Why Isn’t There…

Why Isn’t There…

…a fuggin’ Mosquito Vaccine.  How many of you would get that shiz immediately?  Right?  Imma go eat a citronella candle.  MORE

Crazy Random Facts!

Crazy Random Facts!

1. The first Nintendo game ever developed in Africa was “Donald Duck: Goin’ Quackers” for Nintendo 64. It was created in Morocco. 2. There are only three animals that have sex for pleasure and not just to reproduce: Humans, bonobos, and dolphins. 3. There was an episode of “Scrubs” in 2002 where Zach Braff and…MORE

Need Some Good News?

Need Some Good News?

1. Muslims in Spain haven’t been able to hold indoor services for Ramadan because of the virus. So a Catholic church in Barcelona is letting them use its open-air courtyard. 2. A nasty wreck on a bridge in Ocean City, Maryland sent eight people to the hospital on Sunday. And a two-year-old in a car…MORE

Tik Tok Toni

Tik Tok Toni

Golf -this guy is sharing his feelings on golf Parenting – this guy has a sweet little parenting story Dad – this mom has some feelings about parenting  Asses – these are some eye opening statistics about how we as ladies feel about our asses Body – more body image facts…MORE

Hoosiers, It’s Time to Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

Hoosiers, It’s Time to Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

It’s time to do something you maybe didn’t do last year . . . or the year before . . . or ever.  But yes, they claim it’s important . . . As we head into the middle of spring, now is a good time to reverse the direction of your CEILING FANS. The blades…MORE

5 Random Facts From The Smiley Morning Show

5 Random Facts From The Smiley Morning Show

1.  For almost all of the 1800s, maps of Africa had a mountain range called the Mountains of Kong . . . which didn’t actually exist. They still even show up once in a while on modern maps . . . an atlas from 1995 even had them. 2.  The original definition of “weird” was…MORE

Still Eating…

Still Eating…

…EASTER CANDY!  How long will this sugar train last?  Damn, #blessed.  Gonna stretch these jelly Bs and Cadburys to Mother’s Day.MORE

Relations Moves…

Relations Moves…

…are hard to make up.  All of them have been done before and are pretty much perfectly named.  What if you just rubbed butts together?  Could call it, um…  “Freaky Cheeky,”  “Tushy Pushy,”  “Buns-In Burner,”  “Trunk Dunkin,”  “Givin’ Two Sits,”  “Push It Real Glute,”  “Fast-Assin’”  – any winners here?MORE

You Gotta Add…

You Gotta Add…

…Mac Sauce and Bacon to your next McDonald’s sandwich.  Thank me later.MORE