Category Archives: SMS Blog

Good News!!

Good News!!

Here are a few more good news stories making the rounds . . . 1. A dad in the U.K. woke up at five in the morning to get his three-year-old son a glass of milk . . . but he noticed a house across the street was on FIRE, and saved seven people. 2.…MORE

Tik Tok Toni

Tik Tok Toni

Farts in public – this guy has a really interesting idea about how to deal with farts King or Queen – have you ever referred to your significant other as king or Queen? If you have, this guy wants you to stop it This is a guy doing a terrible Australian accent and…MORE

Five Random Facts

Five Random Facts

ere are some random facts for you . . . 1.  Limping on purpose was a popular trend in the mid-1800s in the U.K.  The princess of Wales had rheumatic fever that gave her a limp, and because she was a huge fashion icon and trendsetter, other women started limping too. 2.  Marilyn Monroe was born the…MORE

You Can’t Trust…

You Can’t Trust…

…your new bidet 100%.  You need to check with TP at least a little bit.  Trust me.MORE

The Top Things in Our House Hoosiers Don’t Clean Enough

The Top Things in Our House Hoosiers Don’t Clean Enough

For over a year, we’ve been worried about getting sick when we leave the house.  But what about things INSIDE your home that could make you sick?  Not with COVID, but stuff that’s just covered in bacteria.  Someone polled a bunch of people and asked which stuff in their home they clean regularly.  Here are…MORE

I Would Like…

I Would Like…

…an adult sized dress shirt that buttoned in the crotch like a baby onesie to help keep it tucked in while I’m drunk dancing at formal events.MORE

Is It Weird That…

Is It Weird That…

…we’d throw away a bag of marshmallows if they were all super hard, unless they were in Lucky Charms.  MORE

Tik Tok Toni

Tik Tok Toni

From Indiana Old sayings Country sayings Dinner ideas Me at 200 lbs Shower thoughts

Tik Tok Toni

Tik Tok Toni

Farts in public King or Queen Australian Accent  Sushi nightmare Bars reopening

Good News!

Good News!

1. Someone’s been leaving uplifting notes in random spots around Toronto that say things like, “It’s okay to make mistakes,” and “Don’t be so hard on yourself. You are doing okay.” 2. Someone realized their kid left her favorite stuffed animal somewhere inside Will Rogers airport in Oklahoma City. So staff members tracked it down…MORE