Category Archives: WHAT’S HAPPENING?

Support Will’s Side Hustle:  Red Curb!

Support Will’s Side Hustle: Red Curb!

          Yo!  If you like my nonsense on The Smiley Morning Show, you should check out a bunch of new digital improv comedy shows I’m making with my improviser friends for Red Curb Comedy.  Red Curb is my comedy theatre that has been closed since March due to the pandemic, so…MORE

Producer Will’s DISTRACTION! Podcast

Producer Will’s DISTRACTION! Podcast

          Hey, Producer Will here!  I’m hosting a brand-new podcast called “Distraction!”  I try to teach you the history behind some simple every day thing we all use but keep getting distracted and interrupted by a bunch of uninvited idiot characters. Go subscribe to it here and give us a 5…MORE

Smiley’s Race Day On-Air BBQ

Smiley’s Race Day On-Air BBQ

Listen this race day Sunday to WZPL for Smiley’s Race Day on-air BBQ!!!  The entire Smiley Morning Show will be LIVE in Smiley’s backyard grilling out, talking about the Indy 500, playing fun music and listening to their favorite driver interviews!! Listen this Sunday from Noon – 2pm on 99.5 on your radio or tell…MORE

Kraft Is Trying to Make Macaroni-and-Cheese a Breakfast Food

Kraft Is Trying to Make Macaroni-and-Cheese a Breakfast Food

I guess we’re at the point in the pandemic where ALL rules are out the window.  Because macaroni-and-cheese now counts as a BREAKFAST FOOD. A survey by Kraft found 56% of parents are letting their kids eat it for breakfast more often right now.  So Kraft is embracing the idea by giving out special-edition boxes…MORE