Category Archives: WHAT’S HAPPENING?

Willow – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Liver Transplant Wish: To go to California—Universal Studios and SeaWorld Why: Willow is so excited to go to Universal Studios and SeaWorld to see dolphins! Age: 9 Hometown: Clayton Favorite Color:  Pink Favorite Sport: Soccer Favorite Food: Candy Favorite Animal/Pet: Dogs and HorsesMORE

William – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Heart Transplant Wish: To go to Hawaii and see Pearl Harbor Why: William’s grandpa was a sailor in World War 2 and he was stationed at Pearl Harbor Age: 17 Hometown: Noblesville Favorite Game: Anything strategy Favorite Snack: Vanilla Ice Cream Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Animal/Pet: Golden Retriever, CammyMORE

Trason – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: AVM (brain arteriorvenous malformation) (A tangle of abnormal blood vessels connecting arteries and veins in the brain) Wish: To go on a Disney cruise! Why: Trason loves going on cruises and he is excited to spend time with his family! Age: 10 Hometown: Fort Wayne Favorite Color:  Red and Green Favorite Hobby: To cook…MORE

Tate – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Primary Pulmonary Hypertension (high blood pressure in the lungs) Wish: To go on Norwegian Cruise Why: Tate is so excited to see how a big boat works! He wants to see the engines and know how to drive the boat! He is also very excited to spend time with his family. Age: 7 Hometown:…MORE

Susanna – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome A rare birth defect in which the left ventrical is severly underdeveloped which affects normal blood flow through the heart. Wish: To go to Disney World. Why: Susanna wishes to go to Disney World to meet the Princesses as well as her favorite characters, Mickey and Minnie mouse. Age: 4…MORE

Stephanie – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Cystic Fibrosis (CF) CF is a life-threatening disorder that damages the lungs and digestive system Wish: To go stay in a cabin in the country Why: Stephanie chose this as her wish because she wants to spend quality time with her family! She also wants to be able to run around and have a…MORE

Shane – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Acute Lymphoblastic Lymphoma A type of cancer of the white blood cells characterized by the overproduction and accumulation of cancerous, immature white blood cells. Wish: To go to Disney World® Why: Shane wants to play at the beach and meet Mickey! Age: 3 Hometown: Pierceton Favorite Color: Orange Favorite TV Show: Paw Patrol Favorite Food:…MORE

Quinn – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma, a rare type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma Wish: To go on British Isles Cruise Why: Quinn loves to travel and see history! He is excited to see castles and museums. Age: 17 Hometown: Bargersville Favorite Color: Blue Favorite Sport: Basketball Favorite Food: Wings Favorite Class in School: PhysicsMORE

Nythen – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: William’s Syndrome and Pulmonary & Aortic Stenosis William’s Syndrome is a developmental disorder that affects learning, personality characteristics, and cardiovascular problems. Pulmonary & Aortic Stenosis are the conditions characterized by obstruction to blood flow from the right or left ventricle. Wish: To go to Disney World. Why: Nythen wishes to go to Disney World…MORE

Michael – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) A type of cancer of the white blood cells characterized by the overproduction and accumulation of cancerous, immature white blood cells. Wish: To go to Disney World® Why: Michael is super excited to go to Disney World to make a Star Wars Light Saber. Age: 9 Hometown: La Porte Favorite…MORE