Category Archives: WHAT’S HAPPENING?

Jaden – Wish Kid 2019

 Condition: Cystic Fibrosis A genetic disorder that mostly affects the lungs. Long-term issues include difficulty breathing and frequent lung infections. Wish: To go to Maui, Hawaii Why: Jaden wishes to go to Maui in Hawaii because she wants to spend time on the beach and go snorkling with her family. She is excited for all…MORE

Haydn – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Cystic Fibrosis (A genetic disorder that mostly affects the lungs.) Wish: To go to Hawaii Why: Haydn wished to go to Hawaii because she has never been and wants to swim with dolphins! Age: 11 Hometown: Michigan City Favorite Color: Red, Orange, Yellow Favorite Sport: Volleyball Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Animal/Pet: Cats and dogsMORE

Hailee – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Cri-du-chat Syndrome (Chromosomal condition that results when a piece of chromosome 5 is missing) Wish: To go to Disney World® Why: Hailee is so excited to go to Disney World® and meet Minnie Mouse! Age: 4 Hometown: Michigan City Favorite Movie: Moana Favorite TV Show: Minnie Mouse Favorite Food: Mashed potatoes Favorite Animal/Pet: DogsMORE

Grayson – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (A rare congenital heart defect in which the left side of the heart is severely underdeveloped.) Wish: To go to Disney World® Why: Grayson is so excited to go to Disney World® to meet Mickey Mouse and all of his friends! Age: 4 Hometown: Fort Wayne Favorite Color: Green Favorite…MORE

Gavin – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Rhabdomyosarcoma (an aggressive and highly malignant form of cancer that develops from skeletal muscle cells that have failed to fully differentiate) Wish: To go to Disney World® Why: Gavin is so excited to ride all of the roller-coasters and sight-see! Age: 12 Hometown: Indianapolis Favorite Color:  Blue Favorite Sport: Basketball Favorite Food: Mac n’…MORE

Eva – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: B-cell Lymphoma A type of cancer that forms in B cells (a type of immune system cell) Wish: To go on Disney Cruise! Why: Eva loves water and she is so excited to meet Ariel! Age: 8 Hometown: Thorntown Favorite Color: Pink Favorite Movie: Incredibles 2 Favorite Food: Pizza Favorite Snack: Chocolate Ice CreamMORE

Erin – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Intractable Epilepsy (A seizure disorder in which a patient’s seizures fail to come under control with treatment.) Wish: To go to France! – See the Mona Lisa, Eiffel Tower, and Notre Dame Why: Erin is so excited to travel with her family! Age: 13 Hometown: New Castle Favorite Band: The Beatles Favorite Sport: Purdue…MORE

Emma – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) A type of cancer of the white blood cells characterized by the overproduction and accumulation of cancerous, immature white blood cells. Wish: To go to Disney World®. Why: Emma wishes to go to Disney World to meet Minnie Mouse and the Princesses. She is looking forward to going on rides…MORE

Daeshawn – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome A complex, rare, and severe childhood-onset epilepsy. Wish: To go to Disney World® Why: Daeshawn wants to go to Disney to meet Mickey and Minnie Mouse! Age: 9 Hometown: Indianapolis Favorite Color:  Red Favorite Hobby: Water activities Favorite Food: Spaghetti Favorite Pets: His 3 dogs and 6 goats!  MORE

Colton – Wish Kid 2019

Condition: Friedreich’s Ataxia Rare genetic disease that causes difficulty walking, loss of sensation in arms and legs, and impaired speech Wish: To go to Scotland Why: Colton is excited to explore the country, see the countryside and learn about his family history! Age: 11 Hometown: Evansville Favorite Color: Orange Favorite Sport: Basketball Favorite Food: Spaghetti with…MORE