A little bit about me?? Well, I was born and raised in Houston, Texas! My family is Greek and it is BIG! I am the fourth of five kids to my immigrant parents who moved to Houston from Tripoli, Greece in the 50’s. I am a fluent Greek girl who can fast talk my way through a lot!
As I was working my way through school, waiting tables and generally managing my family’s restaurant, fate dropped an opportunity to discover radio right in my lap! I delivered food to a radio station and was invited into the studio to watch the night DJ work his shift. His name was Paul “Cubby” Bryant and he single-handedly turned the fire for radio on in my heart! After that night, I knew that radio was the career path I wanted to take.
I really do love what I do. I absolutely relate to the struggle of life through the listeners eyes. To know that I help wake people up and get them through their day with smiles on their faces is such a humbling and rewarding feeling. I am all about Family and helping people feel like a part of one. It seems like every day in radio I meet someone new who moves me, surprises me and challenges me. I can’t wait to see what’s next! Thank you for listening to Weekends with ROULA!